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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 1308-1



Yara Barros Feitosa (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Anderson Miguel Teixeira Feitosa (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Mauricio Junior Machado (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Thierry Alexandre Pellegrinetti (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Fabiana da Silva Paula (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Endrews Delbaje (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Marli de Fátima Fiore (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP) ; Siu Mui Tsai (CENA-USP - Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - USP)

An extreme environment is a habitat characterized by harsh abiotic conditions that are hostile or even lethal to most life forms. Soda lakes are extreme environments found worldwide that contain high concentrations of sodium (Na+) and carbonate species (HCO3– + CO32–) as dominant ions, leading to elevated and stable pH levels. In the Pantanal wetlands, soda lakes are recognized as sources of methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential 28 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2). Archaea domain plays crucial roles in global biogeochemical cycles and influences greenhouse gas emissions, but limited literature is available on archaeal functional diversity in these lakes. In this context, we describe here the first archaeal metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) recovered from Pantanal soda lake sediments. Sampling was performed in a soda lake located in the Nhecolândia subregion (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) during the wet season (2018). Metagenomic libraries from 3 sediment samples were constructed using the ‘NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit’ for Illumina and the paired-end shotgun sequencing (2 × 150 bp) was carried out on Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. Quality check on raw sequencing reads was performed with FastQC. We used Cutadapt to filter and trim the sequences, removing adapters and sequences with lengths lower than 50 bp and Phred score lower than 20. Metagenome sequences were assembled with metaSPAdes and the resulting contigs binned with MetaBAT. MAGs were filtered based on completeness above 70% and contamination below 10%, measured by CheckM. MAG taxonomic classifications were performed using GTDBtk. As a result, contigs were binned into 51 MAGs and 14 were assigned to Archaea. We selected ‘bin.43’ for presenting 72 contigs, 1,983,490 bp, 62% of GC content, N50 of 42320, L50 of 13, 98% of completeness, and 0.8% of contamination, which can be considered a near-complete assembly. The bin was identified as phylum Thermoplasmatota, class Thermoplasmata. Ongoing analyzes are exploring the functional potential of this MAG, particularly functions related to biogeochemical cycles and adaptations to such an extreme environment. We are using the tool BlastKOALA to perform functional annotations, which is specially designed to annotate genes based on the orthology available on KEGG database.

 Archaea, MAGs, Soda lakes, Tropical wetlands

Agência de fomento:
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior